Aaj Kal

Love aaj Kal !! why I am writing this? I have seen it many times on Instagram and Facebook. The old-fashioned love was good. Was pure. I am old school person (mean sex after marriage). They think that I am old school and everything physical will happen after marriage. But if I say, it is not like that. What we think about old school is not like that. There is no difference between the love of old times and the love of today. Yes, this is correct. The only difference is of “Time” and Technology. Now you will ask how? Let us take a simple example. In old times, if someone wanted to talk to their distant relative, what would they do? I used to write letters. And those letters used to take many days to reach me. When I sent it today, it did not reach me till evening. It used to depend on the distance. But now if you want to do the same, you just make a call, and the talk will be done. Yes, it is a game of time; the same work which used to take us 7-8 days earlier, we can now complete it in a minute. Love never changed. Changed is time.

Let’s Go into Old Time

Let’s go back in time and learn about love. In the old times, love used to happen at a glance, which still happens today. But in those days, it used to take years to talk about it. The reason for this was fear of society and there was no technology. And at that time there was a fear of rejection. So, people used to take a lot of time to propose.


 After the proposal, if the girl said yes, then it used to happen that people were afraid to talk in front of everyone, sitting in the garden or in the garden, lest someone sees them. That is why they used the latter to talk. Due to which it took them months to know each other. The couple had to think a lot to meet each other in the small town. Even if they did meet, they got very little time and were always afraid that someone might see them. Due to which they could not have physical contact. Even kissing took time away due to this reason.

Lack of Resources

. The couple had to think a lot to meet each other in the small town. Even if they did meet, they got very little time and were always afraid that someone might see them. Due to which they could not have physical contact. Even kissing took time away due to this reason.

At that time, there were no hotels for physical relations, which are easily available these days. .  In the old times, if I used to rent a single room, the owner would not allow girls to come into the flat. At that time, there was a fear of police raids in hotels, so people did not go to hotels.

Lack of Education

People had less sex education and were afraid of pregnancy. People were afraid to buy condoms from medical stores. They considered buying condoms shameful. They thought they were buying the wrong thing.

If someone got a chance to be physical, then they would think about it before being physical. The reason for this was sex education. If by chance people were physical, then the girl would get pregnant. And in this scenario when the girl’s family would come to know, then either she would get an abortion, or she would marry the boy. Or the boy would refuse due to fear of his family. Not everything shown in movies is true. Being old school does not mean that if you do not have sex before marriage then you are old school. It’s your choice. In the old times, due to all these reasons, it took a lot of time for people to know each other and become physical

No Social Media

There was no social media in people’s lives then. So, it took time to move on after a breakup. And it also took time to get into another relationship. Even if the couple got married, after fighting with their parents, they still could not go out together. They could not even stay together in one room during the day. So even after becoming spouses, they would take years to get to know each other. By then they would have a baby. Then the love completely shifted to the child.

What if

If even at that time people had access to a hotel or privacy, then people would not have wasted time in being physical. If there were phones, then they would not have wasted time in talking secretly throughout the day. But at that time, due to the absence of technology, it took time for everything. We think that people used to do pure love. It is not so. At that time, due to the absence of social life, people saw few options.

Best thing

The only best thing about the old times was that couples did not control each other. Boys can go out with their friends. Girls were free to talk to their cousins, brothers, sisters, or friends. There was no restriction in relationships. Due to which there was no option of stalking one another. Due to there being no social media, there was no fear of getting cheated. Because people did not have many options in terms of committing. So due to this there was less cheating. At that time cheating meant that a girl or a boy got married with the consent of his/her parents.

Let’s back into current time

If we talk about today, then the same distance would have reduced in today’s time. People propose because they know that if they don’t get a chance then they have another option. After people commit, they start talking to each other all the time. They completely leave their personal life. They themselves cut off their friends. Because of talking day and night, they are left with nothing to talk in some time.

Resources available

Today people can stand together and talk. They do not have any fear of society, not even in small towns. People have hotels to be physical. People live alone in other towns, and they have the option of their own room as well. Which was not there in earlier times.

Bad Part

People get bored of each other very quickly because of the time gap between everything getting over. For example, someone loves biryani a lot. But if he is given biryani to eat every day, he will eat it once or twice a week but after a month he will get bored. Then he would like to go to the hotel and eat daal.

The mistake is that we never tried to understand love. Love was the same yesterday and it is the same today too. The only difference is of time. The mistake is that after getting into a relationship we leave everything else and focus only on that. Love is a part of life, not your entire life. Love lasts for life. It does not become life.

Because of movies, an image has been created in our mind that “love is life”. It is not true. By the time we understand this, it is too late. And then to get out of this, we have to break-up.


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